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Welcome to the Vassiliadis Library
The Vassiliadis Library is committed to maintaining a safe, welcoming, and inspiring environment that promotes a love of reading and life-long learning.

Library Wish List

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Password: first name

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Looking for something we don't have at the Vassiliadis Library?  Try checking at the public library!  
Research Resources
CultureGrams is an excellent resource for information on countries, states, and cultures around the world.  Content includes text, maps, illustrations, photographs, video, and audio.
EBSCO Explora
EBSCO Explora features easy to browse categories organized by popular research topics. This comprehensive database of magazines, academic journals, books, encyclopedias, and primary source documents provides information in the form of text, photographs, maps, illustrations, and videos.
World Book: Early World of Learning
This website from the makers of World Book Encyclopedia features interactive stories, videos, and activities focused on themes and topics appropriate for K-2 students.
World Book: Kids
This comprehensive online encyclopedia features informative articles, videos, and images, on a wide variety of topics presented in a kid friendly format.  Suggested for use in grades 1-3.
World Book: Student
This comprehensive online encyclopedia features informative articles, videos, and images, on a wide variety of topics. It also has an atlas/maps and a guide for conducting research.  Suggested for us in grades 4-5.
Learning Express
LearningExpress Library is designed to help students and professionals at all levels of learning achieve their educational and career-related goals. Common Core, Non-Common Core, and Canadian editions are available for LearningExpress Library.
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Vassiliadis Elementary School Hours
Students:   9:00 a.m. - 3:11 p.m. (first bell rings at 8:55 a.m.)
Office Hours:   7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
215 Antelope Ridge Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89138
702-799-1420 Phone  | 702-799-1421 Fax

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