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Information & Calendar


CCSD Pre-K Information

Click below for information

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Marquee Requests

Celebrating a Birthday 
ANY special accomplishment?

Congratulate your student on our marquee!

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scouts animated.gif

Visuals in person are much clearer than shown 

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Pay 4 School Stuff

Click on the logo below  to pay for various school activities, supplies and gear online. 

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25th - Run the Halls Race Incentive

29th - Cubs Night Out - Aviators Baseball - Click HERE for tickets

31st - SBAC Testing - 5th Grade - Science Day 1



1st - SBAC Testing - 5th Grade - Reading Day 1

2nd - SBAC Testing - 4th Grade - Reading Day 1

3rd - SBAC Testing - 4th Grade - Reading Day 2

4th - SBAC Testing - 5th Grade - Reading Day 2

7th - SBAC Testing - 3rd Grade - Reading Day 1

8th - SBAC Testing - 3rd Grade - Reading Day 2

8th - SOT Meeting

9th - SBAC Testing - 5th Grade - Math Day 1

10th - SBAC Testing - 5th Grade - Math Day 2

11th - SBAC Testing - 5th Grade - Science Day 2

14th - SBAC Testing - 4th Grade - Math Day 1

15th - SBAC Testing - 4th Grade - Math Day 2

15th - Kindergarten Roundup

16th - SBAC Testing - 3rd Grade - Math Day 1

17th - SBAC Testing - 3rd Grade - Math Day 2

18th - No School for Students

21st - Book Fair begins

23rd - Kinder Roundup

28th - Staff Development Day -  No School for Students



2nd - Book Fair Ends

13th - SOT Meeting

21st - 5th Grade Aloha Ceremonies

9:15 - Borkholder,, Brown, Garner & Guia

10:30 - Giacomino, Hagman, Robledo & Stevens

23rd - Last day of School for Students

pw reset.png

Use the link above and the directions HERE to reset your student Google, Canvas, Clever and Infinite Campus passwords all at once.

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Vegas Smile Suite logo.png
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Ameriprise Financial logo.png
SU Spine Logo.jpg
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Westwood Eye Logo.jpg
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Sit Still Logo.png
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Vassiliadis Elementary School Hours
Students:   9:00 a.m. - 3:11 p.m. (first bell rings at 8:55 a.m.)
Office Hours:   7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
215 Antelope Ridge Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89138
702-799-1420 Phone  | 702-799-1421 Fax

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